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Westminster party politics isn’t working for ordinary people, our families, our communities, or nature. We have to upgrade our failing democracy and it has to be people-powered. We have a plan, and it involves you.

From health to the economy, housing and the environment, things are going badly wrong in Britain, and beyond. Many feel powerless to make a difference, but we can’t keep depending on corrupt, self-serving politicians to fix things. The way to change things is to come together and organise our own way out of this.

Humanity Project is supporting the creation of assemblies - or ‘Pops’ - that empower communities to get organised. As well as lifting up local voices, Pops will feed into a national assembly - Britain’s Popular Assembly - in late Spring 2024.

Communities everywhere are already crafting these new ways of getting things done. Assemblies of all sizes are coming up with fresh ideas and organising ways to bring them to reality. This alternative to the current broken political system is not only happening already, but a better way of making decisions.

These local Popular Assemblies will feed into Britain’s Popular Assembly in spring 2024. This will be a first step towards building a permanent House of Citizens. The House of Citizens will be made up of ordinary informed citizens managing how we govern ourselves, and hold power to account for the people.

It’s over to you... to talk, connect and decide what you want to do about the state we’re in, locally and nationally. A conversation about our collective future has to be open to everyone, with everyone having a seat at the table. It’s a constructive plan. Everyone has the chance to be heard and everyone listens, no matter your background or views.

We have faith in people. We know that when ordinary people come together, we can make better decisions than politicians. So Humanity Project’s goal is to develop and provide the tools to help us all build our own future and new democracy.

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