Get Involved With the Policy & Politics Working Group

The FCAC Politics and Policy working group works to identify opportunities to achieve real steps towards climate action institutionalized through legislation at the local and state level. This work involves considering key policies to advocate for, building relationships with legislators to suggest and move policies forward into reality, and keeping an eye on elections and political opportunities to raise the prominence and possibility of climate policy in our community.


  • Organizing in order to successfully help initiate the Fairbanks North Star Borough Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, first prompted via resolution in 2019 and then started in earnest via a contractor in 2022

  • Driving community engagement in the public feedback process for the Climate Action Plan, helping to ensure that the plan is ambitious and intersectional enough to truly represent a step forward for climate justice

  • Holding candidates accountable to climate action, particularly in low-turnout municipal elections

  • Developing a strong policy platform and working with elected officials to turn it into tangible policies

Please fill out the form if you would like to learn more about joining the Policy & Politics Working Group, or you can email the Policy & Politics Organizer, Emma at