Britain’s nature is in crisis!
Wild Card is calling on the UK’s largest landowners to rewild their land and we need your help! THANK YOU for wanting to find out more or get involved...
The Royal Estates, the Church of England and the Oxbridge colleges own huge tracts of land in the UK, which include some of the UK’s most nature-depleted landscapes. These institutions are also traditional stewards of the land, and teachers or leaders of the British people. In the midst of this climate crisis, we will insist they step into this stewardship role in a real and meaningful sense and rewild their land. We appeal to these household names to lead the way for landowners across Britain, setting an example of care and love for the land.
If you think this is a worthwhile cause, you can contribute in these ways:
1) Get involved with pre-planned Wild Card campaigns, giving your time, practical support and skills. We have lots of things in the pipelines including fun, attention grabbing actions and grassroots campaigns. We need people to make campaigns happen so keep up to date with our plans by signing up to our newsletter
2) Organise your own campaign addressing the Crown, Church or Oxbridge! Perhaps you're a rebellious royalist, a passionate parishioner or a scared-stiff student...or maybe you're just a concerned human watching the natural world fall apart. In any case, we heartily encourage you to organise and get all your mates doing so too! If you need help or advice, drop us a line, and if you want to affiliate your campaign or stunt with Wild Card, please check out our principles below and let us know so we can support you with media coverage.
3) Help out with the daily running of Wild Card. We are a small team of volunteers and need help! Websites need up-keeping, content needs to be made for social media, press releases need writing and much much more - fill out this form and tell us how you can help! We'd be ever so grateful.
Absolutely anyone is welcome to create a campaign under the Wild Card banner, so long as they abide by:
We are non-violent. Creativity, fun and humour are our weapons.
We are uncompromising. We believe that more-than-human-life has a right to exist without human exploitation in a state of true wildness.
We don’t accept tradition as an excuse. It is the duty of each generation to reforge traditions that are inhumane and unjust.
We welcome everyone. We do not tolerate bigotry, and we stand in solidarity with all oppressed peoples.
We recognise the complexity of the issue. We know that reaching a half-wilded country will take time, but believe it’s essential to aim big and to start now.
We want a just transition. Rewilding gives us the opportunity for people and nature to work together for mutual benefit to progress towards a more sustainable future.