Go on a site visit in 2024

Thank you for volunteering to go on a site visit. Here you will find all the instructions you need to pick a site and go on a visit.

Step 1: Pick your site

Here is the list of new housing sites.

If there are no sites that you can easily visit please choose a new development near you that you know about.

  1. Sherford, Devon (near Plymouth)
  2. New Lubbesthorpe
  3. Quedgeley, Gloucestershire
  4. Harrow Eastman Village
  5. Tewkesbury/Ashchurch garden town
  6. Park central, Birmingham
  7. Chippenham urban extension at Wheatfield Avenue
  8. Nynsladen, on the edge of Newquay
  9. Alconbury Weald, near Huntingdon
  10. Beam Park, London
  11. Roman Green, Chester - Kings Moat Garden Village
  12. Keynsham Chocolate Village retirement complex
  13. Bristol Temple Quarter and St Phillips Marsh
  14. Priors Hall Park, Corby
  15. Newton Garden Village, Stratford
  16. Taunton Garden Town
  17. Aylesbury, Bucks (pick any new development and overall view of the town)
  18. Trowbridge, Wiltshire (pick any new development and overall view of the town)
  19. Woking, near station residential development
  20. Swindon, near station residential development
  21. Andover, near station residential development
  22. Milton Keynes, Walnut Tree and Old Farm Park compared to older areas

Use the form on this page to tell us which site you are going to visit.

Form by
Steve Chambers
London, United Kingdom