Greater Baltimore DSA Uncommitted Campaign Volunteer Sign-up

As Israel continues its campaign of mass killing and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, President Joe Biden continues to provide unconditional support and military assistance. It's time for us to tell him that this cannot continue and we must stop supporting Israel's horrific actions.

With the upcoming Maryland Democratic primary election, we have an opportunity to tell the Biden administration and Israel's other supporters in Washington that they are out of step with the majority of voters and that their actions will have consequences in upcoming elections.

The Democratic Primary ballot has an option to vote for "uncommitted" for president. If enough people vote for "uncommitted", we can send a strong message to the Biden administration. The Greater Baltimore Democratic Socialists of America has launched a campaign to get Democratic voters in Maryland to commit to voting uncommitted.

In Michigan, Massachusetts, Hawaii and Washington, Uncommitted campaigns have turned out hundreds of thousands of voters and have had a direct impact on the administration’s actions. In states without "Uncommitted" as an option, we've seen the same immense turnout of blank and write-in ballots, largely thanks to the work of DSA and other anti-genocide organizations.

Volunteer with the Greater Baltimore Democratic Socialists of America in our efforts to reach voters so we can build the mass movement necessary to save thousands - perhaps even millions - of lives in Palestine and to show the Biden administration that they must change course and stop the flow of military aid to Israel!


Paid for by the Greater Baltimore Democratic Socialists of America ( Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

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