Help build the workers action for jobs, justice and climate in Exeter - POSTPONED + ONLINE

**Due to the rising number of Covid cases in the region this event will now take place on Tuesday 27th July at 7pm, please RSVP for the joining link**

As global leaders meet for November's COP26 Global Climate Summit in Glasgow, we will mobilise action that puts workers up front. And we'll be starting of in Exeter on Tuesday 27th July for our first Green New Deal discussion with Jeremy Corbyn and we want you to be a part of it.

We'll be presenting our proposals to put workers at the forefront of the climate justice movement and start putting our plan into action - but only with your help. Join us on Tuesday - RSVP by filling out this form and click register and you will receive a confirmation email by Friday with a link to join.

And you can read more about the plan below.

The climate crises is a result of our rigged economy, caused by burning fossil fuels for profit: Just 100 company executives are responsible for 70% of the worlds emissions and fossil fuel companies continue to bankroll lying lobbyists. Climate change is rooted in the history of colonialism and capitalism, extracting resources from around the world and extracting value from the hard work of the workforce. Our economy puts profit before people and planet. That has to stop, now.

The climate crisis is a social crisis: Ordinary working people here and abroad - especially BAME people, young people and women - are suffering the worst impacts of the emergency despite baring the least responsibility for the problem. We lose our homes in floods and fires. We lose our jobs as industries collapse. We struggle as food shortages push up prices. We collapse as heat and pollution damage our health. Why should we?

We need a worker led transition: We shouldn't need to worry. We should be involved in planning the transition in our industries and communities. We should be investing in good green jobs, developing public transport, retrofitting our homes, planting trees and delivering healthy communities. We should be financially secure, served with world class public services and able to adapt to change comfortably. But the profiteers are standing in the way.

As global leaders meet for November's COP26 Global Climate Summit in Glasgow, we will mobilise action that puts workers up front: Sign up here to help organise an action in your area or work remotely to build the mobilisation.

Have ideas? Comments? Want to tell us more? Share your thoughts on this plan by coming to our GND events or filling out this form: