Help On Election Day To Get More Greens Elected
For months we've been campaigning hard in our six target wards, making the case for voting Green in this year's Local Elections on May 2nd.
We now need your help on - May 1st (Eve of Election Day) and May 2nd (Election Day) - to get Green councillors elected.
GETTING OUT THE VOTE is simple: throughout the day on May 2nd we knock on the doors of those who have told us they intend to vote Green and politely remind them its election day. We've a lot of doors to knock on, and we need help! If you are available and willing to lend a hand on the day - even just for an hour - please sign up.
TELLING: If you're available to help on Election Day, but don't want to go door knocking, then we are also looking for help telling at the Polling Stations in our target wards. This involves sitting for a couple of hours outside a polling station wearing a Green Party rosette and asking voters their elector number.
EVE OF POLL LEAFLETTING: help us deliver leaflets across the wards on Wednesday May 1st.
We will have campaign bases across the wards with drinks, snacks, toilets and sofas.
We've four target wards in East Oxford, two in West/Central Oxford and one in Marston.