Help Launch Abortion Out Loud

Young people have always been at the forefront of social change, pushing the bounds until a groundbreaking idea becomes the norm. And today, young people are tired of the stigmatizing way people whisper "abortion." They’re tired of young voices being excluded from abortion conversations. They’re tired of abortion bans, parental notification laws, wait periods, Medicaid restrictions, fake clinics, and condescending politicians telling them what they can do with their bodies.

It's time for a movement of young people fighting for their right to abortion care. That’s why Advocates for Youth is proud to announce our new campaign, Abortion Out Loud! We’re going to put young people front and center, helping them organize, build community power, and ensure youth can access safe abortion care. We will do this by:

  • uplifting the real experiences of young people seeking abortion care in their community,
  • highlighting the barriers youth face, and
  • fighting for laws we can pass to expand access.

Ready to Help?

Sign up on the right-hand side to be an ambassador for abortion access in your community. We need young people across the country to join us in launching this campaign in your community the week of October 21st.

Anyone who signs up will receive an event-in-a-box that will have everything you need, including:

  • an interactive banner that proclaims "Abortion Out Loud is:", along with small cards people can write their answers on and tape onto the banner.
  • T-shirts, stickers, and a small book of abortion stories to share.
  • Tips on how to join our storm of social media content the week of October 21st, featuring videos and photos you take of folks answering the question, “why do you say ‘abortion’ out loud?”

We should not be ashamed to put young people front and center in the fight for abortion access, especially since nearly half of people who seek abortions are under age 24. So if you or someone you know is a young person who wants to launch this campaign, sign up to join the movement today!

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