Hemerdon Mine Pre-Planning Application

Mine owners Tungsten West have submitted a pre-planning application proposing to export secondary aggregates from the mine in addition to Tungsten, this could result in HGV movements increasing from 50 to 300+ movements by 2026. Any future planning application will be a variation to the existing mining consent to include the movement of aggregates off the site.

Tungsten West have submitted a request for advice on the content of any Environmental Statement that would accompany a future planning application.

At this stage there isn’t any provision for public consultation on the proposals, this is a  technical process to identify the likely issues – most of which were impacts in Plympton along the likely haulage routes.

Consultation with local agencies as prescribed by the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations has been completed and the scoping opinion has already been issued link via the Devon County Council Planning website. https://planning.devon.gov.uk/PlanDisp.aspx?AppNo=PRE/1523/2021

Here you will find:

  • an outline of Tungsten West plans to make use of secondary aggregates for the mine and the number of proposed vehicle movements
  • the technical consultee responses and the reasoning behind the scoping for the EIA, which will used to produce the Environmental Statement.

I would expect Tungsten West to consult with local residents as part for the EIA, prior to  submitting their planning application. This is likely to be via the Mine Liaison Group, however, I am seeking further information on how Plympton Chaddlewood's residents will be given the opportunity to be properly consulted.

Nevertheless, when the actual planning application is submitted there will be a normal public consultation process and local people will be able to comment on it. The application would also be advertised in accordance with the normal statutory requirements for EIA development.

This would be a variation of the parent consent for the Hemerdon mine rather than a stand alone application because normally the operation would be “permitted development” and is only constrained as the Mineral Planning Authority restricted the export movements from the mine by planning condition.

Tungsten West have provided Ian with a statement:

“Tungsten West has proposed to uplift HGV vehicles from Hemerdon and is currently following due process with the Mineral Planning Authority in consultation with all statutory consultees. The driver is the ability to bring what was formally classified as mine waste to the secondary aggregates market. The Mineral Planning Authority has compiled all responses and has responded to Tungsten West with a scoping opinion of the proposal.

Tungsten West considers our social and corporate license to operate key in our ability to deliver a successful project and will be treating the responses received with utmost consideration when drafting the planning application. Further updates with regards to the project will be released in due course”.

If you would like to be updated on the planning application process and leave your feedback based on the current plans in the pre-application documents on the Planning Website, you can completed this form.

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