Phone Campaign: Hold Your Rep Accountable for their AHCA Vote

The House passed the AHCA, a bill that will boot millions off of health insurance entirely and cut the benefits for millions more. It was passed hastily for the sake of "getting a win" and benefits primarily the wealthy and health insurance companies.

Now it's time to hold your Representative accountable for their vote.

First, look up your US Representative, if you're not sure who it is.

Next, determine how your Representative voted.  Locally, Jenkins (KS-2), Yoder (KS-3), Hartzler (MO-4), and Graves (MO-6) all voted YES for the AHCA. Only Cleaver (MO-5) voted NO against it.  (Interested in someone else's vote? Go here for a full vote report.)

Then, call their office and either thank them for their No vote, or demand an explanation for their Yes vote.  Indivisible has a full script for both Yes and No votes here.

  • Jenkins (KS-2): (202) 225-6601
  • Yoder (KS-3): (202) 225-2865
  • Hartzler (MO-4): (202) 225-2876
  • Cleaver (MO-5): (202) 225-4535
  • Graves (MO-6): (202) 225-7041

Finally, complete the form to the left to tell us all about it. This will help us amplify the number of constituents who are calling their Representatives to hold them accountable.

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