Hollywood Labor Supports LA's Public Schools!

Last year, LA's public school teachers showed up on the Hollywood picket lines because they knew a win for us meant a win for working people across Los Angeles. Now, they need our help to stop right-wing charter school advocates from privatizing education in our city.

UTLA, the teachers' union, has endorsed working class champions Karla Griego and Kahllid Al-Alim to run for seats on the Los Angeles Unified School District Board. DSA-LA is proud and honored to join them in fighting to get them elected. You can learn more about them here!

In 2020 and in 2022, billionaire executives like Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings have gone all in on defeating UTLA candidates.  If we lose this year, the billionaires and their charter school advocates will control a majority on the school board and will start dismantling our public schools. We can't let them win! We've all seen what Netflix has done to our industry - we can't let them do the same thing to the children of our city.

Last year taught us when workers come together and fight, they can do incredible things. Let's keep that momentum going! That's why DSA-LA's Hollywood Labor is launching our "Hollywood Labor for LA's Public Schools" campaign to help elect Karla and Kahllid, and we're going to need your help!

DONATE! Both campaigns are entirely people-funded, and can use any support they can get. Please donate to Kahllid's campaign here, and directly to Karla's campaign here! If you're interested in hosting a fundraising event for Karla, Kahllid, or both, please let us know on the form to your right. Every dollar makes a huge difference!

GET OUT THE VOTE! Come knock doors and canvass with us on February 17th and February 24th! We know, knocking on doors might be something you’ve never done before. It can seem scary! But if you can march on a picket line in 100° weather, knocking on doors is nothing!

SPREAD THE WORD! Post the link to this page on your social media feed! Text it to friends and co-workers! Remind them how important public schools are, how LA's public school teachers showed their solidarity last year, and how it's now our chance to return the favor!

CONTACT US! If you have any questions about DSA-LA, Hollywood Labor, Karla, Kahllid, our electoral endorsements, or more, feel free to shoot us an email at hollywoodlabor@dsa-la.org!