Host a Lead Up Event for the Peoples Climate March

Thank you for hosting a lead-up event for the Peoples Climate March! These events will be a an essential way for people in your community to meet, plan, make art, and get involved. Whether you're just getting started or you've been planning for a while, these meeting will help you engage new people and get new volunteers.

We’ll give you all the tools you need to host a successful event -- including this guide on how-to set up your event page on Action Network and this toolkit on how to plan an art event. Plus we’ll be there to support you every step of the way.

There's many different kinds of events and art you can make, including:

1. Share your community's stories and solutions with a circular banner

Join in with communities across the country to share stories and create a visual representation of your collective vision. Many are painting a parachute banner to show their community's vision in a literal circle! We'll help you make it happen – you can even apply for a grant. It's a more intensive art process, but totally worth it.

2. Make signs, flags, and smaller banners

Let the world know what you stand for and why you're there. There are so many ways you can visualize your resistance at PCM — posters, signs, banners, flags, and more.

3. Hold an outreach event or planning meeting

Connect with people in your community and work together to make this Peoples Climate Movement as big and powerful as possible — whether that means helping fill a bus to Washington D.C., handing out flyers, making signs and banners, or planning a sister march.

Whatever kind of event you host, we'll be with you every step of the way to make sure it's a success. The first step is to put in your info on this page and select what type of event you're having so we can be in touch and support you along the way -- then you'll be ready to create your event page.