Host a coffee morning about Free School Meals for All

Last year, over four million children lived in households that went short on food.

Scotland and Wales are in the process of extending Free School Meals to every child in primary school. London will fund it for one year. But this Government is keeping children in the rest of the country waiting.

On 24 – 30 June, this campaign is holding a National Week of Action to dial up pressure on the Government and our MPs to pass the Free School Meals for All Bill in Parliament.

Throughout this week, parents all over the country are chipping in and organising coffee mornings to start a conversation about Free School Meals for All in their community.

Hosting a coffee morning is a powerful way to help parents learn how Free School Meals for All would support children and families, and channel discussion into taking action.

Time and energy is precious, especially as a parent or carer. So we’ve put together a toolkit to take the pressure off and support you along the way - before, during and after your event.

Sign up and we’ll send you a how-to guide with everything you’ll need.
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