HYVE: Hey Young Voters, Engage!

Hey Young Voters, Engage!

Are you under 35 and want to get more engaged in the political process but don’t know where to start?

PA ranked #1 in the nation for young voter impact in the 2022 elections, according to CIRCLE, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement. But voting is just the start. We’re still a long way from being heard in the halls of Harrisburg.

Join HYVE (Hey Young Voters, Engage!), a place for conversation, connection and civic engagement for Pennsylvanians under 35 working together for redistricting reform and real representation.

A key feature will be monthly Zoom meetings featuring young PA political leaders, with calls to action and occasional opportunities to plan young voter outreach and in-person networking.

By signing here you'll receive registration links to all HYVE meetings and events, plus information and alerts from Fair Districts PA.

Already an FDPA supporter? Let us know here that you're under 35 to make sure you're included in HYVE invitations and actions.

Fair Districts PA, is a nonpartisan, all-volunteer grassroots organization and a fiscal project of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania. You can learn more about Fair Districts PA here.
HYVE organizers: Tracie Lear has been involved with Fair Districts PA through the research team and tabling events. Michael Skros joined Fair Districts PA while he was in college, after winning the FDPA mapping contest in the summer of 2020. He helped the FDPA mapping team draw People’s House and Senate maps to submit to the PA Legislative Reapportionment Commission, testified during Speaker Rozzi’s public listening tour, and spoke at the December 2022 Fair District’s conference.

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