I pledge Freedom over Fascism
This Freedom Over Fascism pledge was created to honor those who have sacrificed for our freedoms and remind us that we each have a part in this story. If this pledge resonates with you, please consider signing on.
I refuse to be silent.
I refuse to live in a nation that abandons kindness and respect for hatred and contempt.
I refuse to ignore the harm that is happening in my community.
I refuse to be complicit in helping a nation move from striving toward freedoms and rights for all to a country of the haves and the have-nots.
I refuse to believe this is someone else's problem. I refuse to put blame solely on the President, Congress, elected leaders, or any government office.
I agree that we must hold our leaders accountable to the people and if they do not listen to; then, I will join others to do the work to replace them.
I will hold all leaders responsible for the will of the people.
I refuse to live in a nation that abandons the rule of law for tyranny.
I refuse to make excuses.
I refuse to live in a nation that abandons facts for propaganda.
I refuse to look the other way.
I refuse to believe I cannot cause change.
I agree that we must come together and champion laws that protect all community members. The days of only advocating for "my issue" are gone. I understand we may not agree on all issues, but there are many issues we can agree on. Our communities are stronger when we are united and advocate for one another.
I will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, sexism, ageism, ableism, sizeism, elitism, transphobia, misogynoir, and bigotry!
Data disclosure: People Power United does not share information. We use the sign-up information to share current issues, events and calls-to-actions only. People Power United is a group of community members that champions progressive values and power for the people. You are always able to opt-out of any action alerts or event reminders we send, and you are also welcome to unsubscribe if there is no value to you.