I Pledge to Walkout On May 1st

On May 1st, the U.S. will experience that largest immigrant strike of our generation. 400,000 immigrant workers have already committed to strike on May 1st to demand permanent protection, dignity, and respect for our community. In solidarity, students all over the country are going to join workers on strike by walking out on May 1st to take the streets.

High school students all over the country are going to take over their cities by the thousands. College students are going to take over their campuses by the thousands. Be a part of this movement that will forever go down in history as people rising up in the face of oppression.

In 20 years, when someone asks you where you were on May 1st, 2017, tell them that you were in the streets chanting alongside students and immigrant workers all over the country. Take the risk. Go down in history as a freedom fighter.

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