I Want my Hillel to Host an Anti-Occupation Seder this Passover

Jewish students across the country are making their voices heard this Passover and asking their Hillels to confront the Occupation and take a stand for freedom and dignity for all.

See below for the list of schools who have already asked their Hillel to host an anti-Occupation seder and join the movement at your school! If you don't see your school listed, sign up here to get all of the resources you need to start a petition at your school.


Passover is a celebration of freedom. As young Jews, we know that our freedom is bound up in the freedom of all people. In the last year, we have seen countless attacks on Jews and other oppressed groups — the rights of people of color, queer people, women, Muslims, and Jews are under threat. And we have seen courageous resistance to these threats.

Hillels across the country understand that social justice is foundational to the Jewish tradition. Every year, at dozens of schools in every corner of the nation, Hillels have hosted social justice-themed seders in support of the rights of LGBTQ people, immigrants, and other marginalized groups. But none have yet to host an anti-Occupation seder.

Just as Jews have a responsibility to fight for the rights of all marginalized people, the Jewish people must stand up against the moral disaster of the Occupation.

For 50 years, the Occupation has denied freedom and dignity to Palestinians and Israelis. It has been over 50 years of home demolitions, endless checkpoints, and the imprisonment of children and teenagers like Ahed Tamimi. We know that as long as as young Israeli men and women are sent into battle every two years, to kill and be killed, we are not free. We know as long as a fearful American Jewish community ostracizes those who see the Palestinians as human beings, deserving of the same things we wish for ourselves, we cannot live with dignity.

Jewish institutions have failed our generation for too long, choosing to support Israel at any cost rather than confront the true threats to the future of the Jewish community: our support for the occupation of millions of Palestinians and a rising wave of anti-semitism. We know that there is rising chorus in our generation that will not accept another Passover talking about freedom without talking about the injustices of the Occupation.

We believe that there is still time for Hillels to join us and change their approach. So we are asking Hillels: Will you host an anti-Occupation Seder this Passover?

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