It’s time for Congress to put workers first and pass the PRO Act now

On April 19th, about three-quarters of the 5,500 employees at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee voted to join the UAW. This is an historic feat, with the Volkswagen plant becoming the first automaker in the South to unionize via election since the 1940s, and the first foreign automaker in the South to unionize ever.

Victories like this are why the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is so critical. The PRO Act would restore the right of workers to freely and fairly form a union and bargain together for improvements in the workplace.

The UAW is building on its victory in Chattanooga and heading to Vance, Alabama where workers at a Mercedes-Benz plant will hold their union vote between May 13 and 17th. Workers at the Alabama plant filed an election petition with the National Labor Relations Board in April and -- according to the UAW -- 5,200 eligible Mercedes employees have signed cards to join the union.

Right now right-wing Republican governors across the South are doing everything in their power to block these organizing efforts by lying to workers. Congress must do its job and pass the PRO Act now, to ensure that workers can continue to organize without interference.

Demand Congress show up for workers and pass the PRO Act by adding your name now.