Help build a Progressive Alliance – join a Compass Party Group

We believe there is a Progressive Majority out there to be created and mobilised – not just to win an election but to be a big part of the transformation of our country.

We can't allow a country with a progressive majority to fail at forming a progressive government again.

Compass Labour, Compass Lib Dems and Compass Greens provide a platform and opportunity for Compass members who support these parties to organise for progressive cooperation and build bridges within and between parties.

These groups help push the case for alliances in each party, in their own voice.

They will convene meetings, coordinate motions at conference, organise cross-party campaigns, invite speakers from other parties and push for greater pluralism in party affairs.

Like everything we do, these groups are driven by Compass Members. Compass members shape the work and join planning calls with MPs like Clive Lewis, Layla Moran and Caroline Lucas who are leading this charge in Parliament.

Not a Labour, Liberal Democrat or Green supporter? You can still be a vital party of any Progressive Alliance. Use the form to tell us how you'd like to get involved.

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