Join Climate Hunger Strike in Nova Scotia


The climate crisis is already contributing to food insecurity and this will worsen unless governments take action. Members of Extinction Rebellion in the UK, Italy, and Australia have started a Climate Hunger Strike to draw attention to the climate crisis' effect on food security. Halifax Municipal Councillor Richard Zurawski (who Initiated the motion leading to Halifax being the second city in Canada to declare a climate emergency) has been on a hunger strike for the past 5 days.

Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia asks that you consider supporting our XR colleagues and any others who are hunger striking to bring needed attention to the impact of the climate crisis on our food supply and the billions who will be adversely effected as the crisis worsens.

There are two ways that you can participate:

    1: Take part in the hunger strike by fasting for a period of time that your health permits.

If you will participate, please let us know by completing this form which will help us to plan this action.

During the hunger strike we would post on social media and communicate with the media about the issue of food insecurity and this strike. Once the strike starts, please let us know that you are participating so that we can post about the numbers participating. Send us a message stating the number of days that you pledge to fast or that you are donating food or organizing to collect food for Feed Nova Scotia to

Strikers should partake of liquids (water, juices) during the hunger strike. If you have any concerns about taking part for more than a couple of days or if you have pre-existing conditions then we recommend consulting with your doctor to discuss safe approaches to fasting before joining this strike.

Information about the climate crisis and food security

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released in August 2019 outlined how rising temperatures have already affected our food system – from changing precipitation patterns to coastal degradation to tropical crop yield decline – and how those threats are likely to escalate in the absence of urgent action. The report makes clear that food production itself is a major part of the problem. Together with deforestation (which most commonly means converting forest to agriculture land), agriculture contributes 44 per cent of methane emissions and 23 per cent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Factoring in other activities along the food supply chain, such as fertilizer production, food processing and transportation, that figure increases to between 21 per cent and 37 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions.

Extreme weather events are also an important contributor as are rising sea levels.

Ocean warming and acidification along with overfishing have already depleted 85% of fish stocks. These are predicted to be completely depleted by 2050. Fish account for about 17% of global protein consumption.The rise in global temperatures, is linked to increasing pressures on fertile soil, and jeopardizes food security for the planet. 500 million people live in areas that experience soil desertification which is worsening with climate change. All these factors also contribute to the increase in human migration and the political tensions that ensue. Malnourishment which had been declining for decades started to rise again in 2014 and effects over 800 million people.



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