Join Mothers* Rebellion Victoria

Mothers Circle outside the Arts Centre, Melbourne

Mothers Rebellion* Victoria is part of Mothers* Rebellion for Climate Justicea movement of women in a growing global community on six continents.

We are mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, daughters, and allies. We know that those least responsible for the climate crises are also the most impacted.

We will not give up the fight for a sustainable present and future for the current and coming generations. We want to be able to look our children into the eyes and say that we truly do all that we can. We turn our grief and frustration over the lack of a powerful, transformative response from our politicians and leaders into action.

We will not look away.
We refuse to give up.
We will do everything we can for the lives and future of our children.
We believe in the power of mothers and caregivers to demand climate justice.

We meet outside the National Gallery of Victoria on St Kilda Road once a month. Check the Events page of the XR Australia website for our next event:

Look for the flags! We sit in a circle peacefully facing the passers-by, playing music, and helping ourselves and others to connect with our climate emotions.

Bring your own sign with your personal message or come a bit early and make one there, cardboard and text as supplied. We include signs with the names of our children or other messages.

Subscribe to our group and we'll keep you updated! Also check our Instagram page  for changes to date and venue:

Mothers* Rebellion, Victoria