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After being told again and again that reinstating affirmative action in California was not a fight we could win, we made history when our bill passed out of the Legislature in June.
And now, we’re ready to make history again — when Yes on Proposition 16 wins on November 3rd!
There has never been a more critical time to reinstate equal opportunity in California — as we chart a path forward to a stronger economic future for women and communities of color, and a California where Black Lives Matter and our systems are just.
But the Wall Street forces that organized behind the ban on affirmative action in 1996 — keeping a tight hold on the status quo that benefits the wealthy few and no one else — are coming out of the woodwork again, building a disinformation campaign to slow us down.
With less than 3 months to go until Election Day, we need to grow our coalition of supporters who believe that it’s time for affirmative action in California. Please add your name to receive updates about Prop 16.
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