Join the movement for ethical non-monogamy!

Who we are

OPEN is a new, nonprofit organization dedicated to normalizing and empowering non-monogamous individuals and communities. More than that, we’re a movement of people working toward a future where romantic and intimate relationships between consenting adults are accepted and protected regardless of relationship structure, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Why OPEN matters

We launched OPEN to serve the more than 12 million American adults who practice some form of ethical non-monogamy. Too often, non-monogamous people lack access to communities of people like them, and are forced to hide their identity to avoid stigma and discrimination. We believe it’s time for that to end.

How we make change

  1. Change how the world perceives non-monogamy by advancing cultural acceptance and representation

  2. Improve how we practice non-monogamy by empowering communities and creating resources

  3. Grow the power of the non-monogamous population in order to fight for our rights and ultimately create a more just and loving world

Are you with us? Join our email list today!