Join our Story-gathering Superteam

Are you an outgoing team-player keen to connect with groups taking action in their communities? Are you passionate about saving the planet and want to put your expert skills toward a good cause? Join the country’s most trusted environmental organization and become a force for good!

About the Future Ground Network

Future Ground Network supports local groups who are organizing to secure  healthier  lived environments  and more sustainable communities. The most effective change begins locally, alongside others in our community with whom we  share common values.

Joining the network allows community organizers to share best practices with one another, find inspiration, and work together to achieve common goals. The network provides a wealth of tools, resources, and wisdom  to amplify the work of local groups and help communities  build a better future from the ground up.  

Future Ground Network is powered by the David Suzuki Foundation. You can learn more about us at

Volunteer Role Description

Position Title: Story-gathering Superteam

Terms:  6 months, 1-2hrs per week

Location: Your home office

Reporting to: Future Ground Network lead

About the role:

Future Ground Network is working hard to understand how we can best grow to support organizers in their communities. We want to encourage everyone in the network to participate in shaping what we do next by learning about what is happening as it’s happening. Your role as part of the Story-gathering Superteam is to help us collect stories from local grassroots groups to help us understand: what is fueling inspiration? What does success look like? How do we have meaningful impact? What do groups hope to learn?

Your Responsibilities

  1. Connect directly with grassroots group leaders to gather stories related to their organizing efforts
  2. Record their stories and other demographic information accurately into our database system. You will receive training on how to use our Story-gathering software.  
  3. Work with other members of the Story-gathering Superteam to collect a minimum of 50 stories bi-annually.


  • Willingness to interact with people to capture details of their unique stories
  • Effective interpersonal skills
  • Flexibility
  • Excellent oral and written communication
  • Basic computer skills.
  • Experience in customer service, survey collection and data entry is an asset
  • Willingness to interact with people to capture details of their unique stories

We recruit Superteam members approximately every six months. If you are not recruited to join the team this round, please be patient and be sure to apply again as we can only accommodate so many volunteers at one time.