Join the Campaign for a Public Search for Our Next President at GMU

We are AAUP@Mason, Mason's advocacy chapter of the American Association of University Professors. Your AAUP@Mason team has been working to ensure a university president at a public institution of higher education gets a public search. We are calling for a public forum where the community at large can meet and vet all finalists for the position. Please join us in this effort—this is an historic opportunity to shape the direction of OUR university.

Here's what you can do to support:

1. Sign and share the petition.

2. Read and share our brief on secret presidential searches.

3. Ask your department, local campus group, or community organization to sign our petition.

4. Come to our "Dear Candidate" Forum on December 12th at 10am at Fairfax campus (SUB 1 lobby). At this event, co-hosted by Transparent GMU, we'll come together as a community to demand on-campus public presentations from all Presidential finalists. The BOV is meeting later in the day -- and they will hear our voices!

Further Reading:

  • "Dear Candidate" letter to the editor -- Our op-ed on the Presidential search, recently published in the Fourth Estate

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