Become a Partner of the Democracy Initiative

Why Join the DI?

Ensuring our democracy is inclusive and represents to people will take large scale collective action. Every organization is an asset and the power of our current values & mission is our strength. The DI strives to use the power of our intersectionality to mobilize all of our grassroots members to influence and win on local, state, and national reforms while holding leaders accountable in governing.

We recognized that our member groups who fight every day on social and economic justice issues can be the “game changers,” in building a powerful reform movement and a just society. So, while democracy may not be your organization's first priority, we must recognize that we can’t win on our issues or represent our constituencies at the highest level if the rules do not work for everyone. A healthy, functioning, and fair democracy is a precondition for advancing all our other issues.

What does joining the Democracy Initiative require?

Based on the current composition of the coalition and the demands of the moment, we are currently accepting organizations that can engage in the following manner:

(Membership Based Groups): Groups must have a membership or activist list; endorse and support the statement of principles; principal of the organization attend the Annual Meeting; engage in a minimum of three (3) democracy reform efforts on a rolling annual basis (one must be “democracy 365”); publish an article in your membership publication on the subject of democracy at least twice a year; have a liaison participate in one or more of the current following work groups: Field Mobilizing, Communications, Labor, or Environment.

Please fill out the form and Getachew Kassa, National Field Manager ( will get back to you soon.

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