Join the Four for 24 Phonebanking Team

The General Election is finally here! We're ready to elect four new Green Party MP's!

In only a matter of weeks Green representation in parliament could quadruple.

We need a lot more people listening to voters and delivering leaflets in our target campaigns or we just won't win.

For those unable to travel to support the Action Weekends you can now help out from the comfort of your own home. We urgently need help, calling nearby to our targets to ask people to sign up to campaign on the ground.

To do this you will need:

- A relatively up to date computer which can access Sharepoint documents online and a reasonable level of tech savviness.

- Your own phone and credit/minutes to make calls

- Enthusiasm and time to help out!

You can help in your own time - anytime of the day - as much of as little as you like.

Sign up here to be part of our advanced sub team, making telephone canvassing calls.