Join the Jewish Future in Awarding the Medal of Freedom and Dignity to Angela Davis

We are honored to present the Medal of Freedom and Dignity to Dr. Angela Davis for being a global leader in the civil rights struggle over the past 50 years; for providing a consistent and clear moral voice in the fights for racial justice, gender equality, criminal justice reform, and an end to the Occupation; and for championing freedom and dignity for all people, including Palestinians.

Dr. Davis is one of the great civil rights leaders of our time. Her tireless efforts to make the world a more just place has inspired many of us to join the fight for freedom and dignity for all, and ending our community's support for the Occupation.

This is why we were dismayed to learn that on Saturday January 4th, the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute rescinded it's invitation to honor Dr. Angela Davis with the Shuttlesworth Award. Particularly concerning for us was the Mayor of Birmingham's statement claiming that the decision from BRCI came 'after protests from our local Jewish community and some of its allies.' While other groups such as Christian Zionists also pressured the BRCI to rescind the award, we know that the Jewish establishment should not be in any way involved in denying Dr. Angela Davis the recognition she deserves.

That's why, as the Jewish future and the moral leaders that the Jewish community needs right now, we're doing what the Establishment won't. In a time when some of our country's political leaders are encouraging the rise of white nationalism and antisemitism, we need to be solidifying our connections to other marginalized groups, not denying their leaders awards they clearly deserve.

Join us in honoring Dr. Angela Davis' work by signing this form. We will deliver this award along with the many signatures we collect to Dr. Davis herself. Please indicate if you'd like to sign on as an organization and we'll follow up with you.

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