Pledge to Vote 'No Preference' in the Massachusetts Primary on March 5th

Inspired by the power of the “Listen to Michigan” campaign which resulted in the success of over 100,000 people voting “Uncommitted,” we are asking people to vote “No Preference” in the Tuesday March 5 presidential primary.

President Biden and Democratic Party leadership anticipate our anger will dissipate with time and expect us to ultimately relent. However, by casting a “No Preference” vote on March 5th, we in Massachusetts aim to convey a firm message to our persistent demanding a ceasefire and an end to financing Israel’s war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

We are a multiracial, multifaith, multi-generational, anti-war campaign here in Massachusetts with a goal to make clear to President Biden that we reject his administration’s funding of genocide in Gaza.

Voting “No Preference” will build on the momentum from Michigan and align with other ceasefire efforts here in Massachusetts. The most powerful way to be consistent in protesting Biden’s role in the genocide of Palestinians is to vote “No Preference.”

Instead of writing in “ceasefire,” we are asking all voters to choose the “No Preference” option on the ballot to send a unified message. The Vote Ceasefire MA campaign, in light of the outstanding success in Michigan, has decided to endorse No Preference in Massachusetts, where a No Preference option exists.

By filling out this form, you're pledging to vote "No Preference" in the upcoming Massachusetts primary election. It's a simple way to show your support for peace and justice.

We'll send you a reminder closer to the election date to ensure you don't miss your chance to cast your vote and tell Biden that Massachusetts says NO to genocide.

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