Take digital action for the Wave of Resistance

On 10th June, people from across the UK are taking to the shores to protest against Norwegian oil giant Equinor’s plans to develop Rosebank, the biggest undeveloped oil field in the UK.

Along the UK coast, there will be organised paddle out protests, beach parties, rallies and much more. The protest is a coming together of oceans and climate groups to #StopRosebank and demand an end to the wrecking of our planet and the trashing of our oceans.  You can see a full list of locations here.

Even though there may not be a Wave of Resistance activity where you live, we’re encouraging those who can to take a photo or join in online to support the action and the fight to #StopRosebank. Here's how:

Join the wave of resistance in your  area.

Take and share a photo with a #StopRosebank sign to show your support for the action and ramp up the pressure. If you live near the sea* or a beach, why not get creative and write a message in the sand.

Don't forget to tab @StopCambo in your photos and your posts!

*Note that due to health and safety we’re not encouraging people to get in the water, but take their photo on the marina, shore, beach or similar.

Join the social media storm on June 10th.

Take digital action on Saturday, June 10th and help show that there’s broad resistance against  Equinor’s Rosebank, and all new oil and gas fields:
  • Sign up to join the digital Wave of Resistance using this form. We'll send you updated actions to take on the day.
  • Sign our petition against Equinor’s new oil and gas projects here.
  • Email your MP and MSP to demand they oppose Rosebank.

The #WaveOfResistance is being organised by groups of climate and marine organisations including Friends of the Earth Scotland, Finisterre, Greenpeace UK, Oceana UK, Parents For Future UK, Sea Shepherd UK, Surfers Against Sewage, XR Aberdeen, #StopRosebank and others.

Find our more about the Wave of Resistance and Rosebank's impact on our seas here.

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