Join the WFP Criminal Justice Initiative

The Criminal Justice Initiative at the Working Families Party works in coalition with local and national organizations to identify and recruit outstanding District Attorneys, Sheriffs, and Judges who center decarceral policies in their platform, and provide support to community-led efforts to elect them.

We're building a grassroots, national movement of activists who are interested in helping elect progressive candidates across the country who will reimagine what justice means to our communities. Join us by filling out this form and someone on our team will connect with you ASAP.

*The questions on your experience with the criminal legal system, with the exception of a connection to a law enforcement agency, are optional. More details about what has brought you to this work will help our organizers know what to ask you and shape our program while we are building this movement together. You are encouraged to share as little or as much as your are comfortable with, answering is not required for participation.

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