Join the Green Students Committee!

Graphic with a picture of the Student Strike in the background. Text reads "Join the Green Students Committee"
We are excited to announce that nominations are now open for five non-portfolio officer positions on our Green Students Committee!

What does it involve?

The Green Students Committee (GSC) is in charge of voicing the demands and interests of students. We are looking for five talented and determined individuals who will help lead this powerful and radical student wing of the Young Greens. Specific roles and responsibilities of these officers will be finalised once all are co-opted, but we have a broad set of ideas for our work in the coming year. These include:

• Pushing for fair and free education for all.
• Fighting for liveable and affordable student housing.
• Improving mental health support offered by schools and universities.
• Campaigning to decolonise the curriculum.
• Supporting postgraduate researchers and the University and College Union in their campaigns for fair pay.
• Working to increase the number of Young Green university societies in England and Wales.

Who are we looking for?

Anyone is able to apply - no prior experience is necessary. All we are asking for is committed, creative and passionate individuals who are willing to energise the Young Green student membership and fight for progressive change.

We strongly encourage women, LGBTIQA+, disabled, and BAME members to apply. We’re also hoping to represent a wider range of student experiences, from school students, university students, and apprentices.

What's the timeline?

17:00, Sunday 20 November – Applications close.
21-26 November – Short informal interviews with our co-convenors, Lisa and Jamie.
Sunday 27 November – New committee co-opted!
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