Join us for our People's Hearing!

People's hearing for Medicaid expansion decorative graphic with March 2 date

Our healthcare system isn't working for us.

We have the worst uninsured rate in the nation. Rural hospitals are closing. Moms are dying preventable deaths. We need a system where everyone can get the care they need, when they need it, and Medicaid expansion is the first step Texas leaders can take towards that future.

But in spite of how badly we need this, and how much Texans support it, our leaders didn't hold a hearing on Medicaid expansion in 2021. That's why, this year, we're hosting a People's Hearing.

Because we deserve a chance to be heard.

This is our advocacy day for Medicaid expansion this session. Our day begins at 10am and will include the People's Hearing, a rally, and literature drops with your representatives. Join us!

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Austin, TX