Join us in our week of action to #PassNYHealth!

The New York Health Act is a bill that would bring universal, comprehensive, single-payer healthcare to New York State. Everyone who lives and works in the state would be able to receive medically necessary care, free of cost, regardless of employment, age, income, or immigration status. The NYHA has been re-introduced with a historic majority of cosponsors in both the New York State Senate and Assembly, but our fight isn't over yet. The NYC-DSA Healthcare Working Group is planning a week of action to build pressure and support for the New York Health Act, and we need your help.
From April 12-18 we'll be planning online and COVID-safe, outdoor, in-person events to promote the New York Health Act to our friends, comrades, neighbors, community organizations, and unions. We want to build a base of support for the New York Health Act that's so strong, we can't be ignored! We'll be holding field and education events on topics like healthcare and housing, healthcare as a racial justice issue, and organizing labor for single payer healthcare. Use this form to indicate your interest in helping us plan and carry out these events, and we'll be in touch with more details soon!