Kernow signup form

Sign up using the form on the right.

You will receive follow up emails to help you take an active part in the rebellion and get all the news and events around Cornwall as well as nationally.

NB If you are in North Cornwall it is better to use the N.Cornwall specific form here:

as that will offer you correct North Cornwall specific options to choose your nearest town group.


This is a Cornwall specific signup form for adding new members.

Only the email is absolutely required.

Only use the 'Cornwall Local Group select' section if you are sure that is the rebels preferred group otherwise it is fine to leave unused.

Entries are automatically added to national XR list and also pushed down to the correct Cornwall Area Group. For N.Cornwall please enter nearest town as one of Bod, Bud, Cam, Lau, Wad for Bodmin, Bude, Camelford, Launceston or Wadebridge to ensure to correct town group gets notified.

If you require a form with more/different fields please contact me.


Martin Jones.

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