Memorandum of Understanding

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets for the terms and understanding generally among organizational parties for the purpose of conducting shared, non-partisan get out the vote phonebank efforts for the elections to be held in Kansas on November 8, 2022 for the purpose of administering phonebanks and data management.


The goal of this partnership is to increase voter participation. This goals will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities:

  • Hosting virtual phonebanks.
  • Recruiting volunteers to participate in phonebanks.
  • Recruiting staff or organizational leaders to take roles in training volunteers, as needed.


In order to ensure the project is shared and prevent possible problems or disputes, the parties agree from the beginning:
  • Sign up forms for volunteers will be hosted using neutral database and software platforms, not the main contact database of any partner organization.
  • Contact data on volunteers recruited by partner organizations and collected from signup forms for the purpose of this project will not be added to any email, recruitment, or fundraising lists from other organizations.
  • Data from phonebanking and volunteer sign up platforms will be used to give partner organizations reports on their volunteer activity in this project.
  • Data will be reported back to organizations from which volunteers were recruited.

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