LA #DropTheMIC Tour Organizing Training

The #DropTheMIC (Military-Industrial Complex) Campaign is coming to Los Angeles
Militarism impacts every other systemic injustice our communities face today. Join the movement to stop: the cycle of endless war, corporate war profiteering, and to demilitarize our communities.  

Join us to learn. educate. organize. mobilize.

SATURDAY, JULY 20, 10AM-4PM- Veterans & Allies Organizing Training & Meeting
Meet, learn and plan with other veterans interested in social justice activism.
Non-veterans interested in anti-militarism organizing also welcome.

Topics will include:

- Militarism and Decolonization 101

- Big picture system and strategy mapping

- Local issues and movement building

- Goal and tactics brainstorming for next steps

And more!

LOCATION: Los Angeles Community Action Network, 838 E 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90021