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The Massachusetts AFL-CIO Constituent Activist Network

What is LaborCAN?

LaborCAN! is a grassroots network of union members mobilizing the power we have to not only win elections, but to hold our elected officials accountable. With members of every union joining forces, LaborCAN! strengthens the voice of all working people in the State House, in our neighborhoods, and in the streets.

Why do we need LaborCAN?
No matter where you work, LaborCAN! unites us in our common fight against Wall Street greed and corporate special interests that have rigged the rules against working people. Unions have a respected voice in the halls of government; we also need to make our working family priorities heard in the neighborhoods where union members live and vote.

How does LaborCAN! work?
LaborCAN! ACTIVISTS will mobilize through regular action alerts from the Mass. AFL-CIO in support of union and community campaigns. Whether phone calls or emails, a picket line or a rally, LaborCAN! puts solidarity into action. LaborCAN! activists will also be labor’s eyes and ears in the District.

LaborCAN! TEAMS are being established in each of the 40 State Senate Districts. Teams meet with their elected officials to build relationships, educate and advocate. With guidance and support provided by the Mass. AFL-CIO, each team will have access to regular briefings on policy priorities and strategies.

EDUCATION CONFERENCES around the state will bring LaborCAN! activists together to examine how the rules are stacked against working people and create a vision for a better quality of life.

How is LaborCAN! different from your local union or CLC?
LaborCAN! connects union members across the state, including all ten CLCs, and across all sectors of the economy – public and private, building trades, human service and food service workers, manufacturing and health care – all of us standing up together and for each other.
Through LaborCAN! the resources of the Mass. AFL-CIO are available to CLCs and unions to strengthen and unify our efforts. Together LaborCAN! make a difference.

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