LOG YOUR CALL: We oppose this partisan backlash against the right to vote

We’re running out of time to make an impact: early next week, the Pennsylvania Legislature will vote on two dangerous, hyperpartisan anti-voter bills -- both of which have already been fast-tracked through committee.

These bills only just got their first hearings, but that won’t stop the Pennsylvania Legislature from moving forward -- they’re trying to rush these restrictive bills through before Pennsylvanians notice, and it’s our responsibility to stop them.

Their newest lines of attack? Adding needlessly strict voter ID and signature match requirements. Dramatically limiting the use of drop boxes and Satellite Elections Offices. Restricting the time Pennsylvanians have to register to vote and request ballots. And even creating bogus, partisan election oversight agencies that could harm our election systems. [1]

These bills are by no means voting rights protection legislation -- they’re shameless attempts to make voting harder. Find your lawmakers' phone numbers here, then log your call.

Here’s an idea of what to say: “My name is [Your Name] and I live in [Your Town]. I believe that our democracy depends on all Pennsylvanians having a voice, and that can’t happen if our lawmakers pass anti-voter legislation this year. Please vote against House Bill 1300 and Senate Bill 735.”

[1] https://www.commoncause.org/pennsylvania/press-release/pennsylvania-house-and-senate-committees-consider-proposals-to-make-voting-more-difficult/