Maine Bird Dog Training

Want to learn proven techniques to to effectively speak truth to power, amplify our voices and change the direction of this country in 2018 and beyond? Join us for birddog training with Paul Davis from Housing Works Inc. (the nation’s largest community-based AIDS service and activist organization).  

“Birddogging” is an activist tactic of putting a policy maker on the spot, in public, and hopefully on camera, with inescapable, bullet proof questions. This form of simple, direct advocacy, when applied consistently, is amazingly effective.  

Campaign season is here and those seeking to keep their jobs or those aspiring to run for office must come out in public. They will be accessible. Let's develop and practice those birddoging skills to set ourselves up for victory without draining our resources.  

We are making two 'Airport teams:' one in Bangor and the other in Portland. Location will be emailed to you after you register for the event!

For further information, questions and location details please email Tina Marie Davidson:

Read more about Tina's activism here!

BIO: Paul Davis, the National Advocacy Coordinator with Housing Works, will be joining us in in Maine for a not-to-be-missed direct action training. Paul has been a leader in campaigns to fight AIDS discrimination in healthcare and housing policy for over 20 years. As a member of ACT UP, he helped win increases in funding for Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS, worked to end the federal funding ban on syringe exchange, and fought for improvements in state Medicaid managed care programs. He is a co-founder of Health GAP where he played a key role in removing U.S. barriers to generic medicines that quickly led to massive price reductions for ARVs in developing countries. Paul helped lead grassroots and legislative campaigns to launch the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, as well as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) during each of its five-year authorizations. He lived in Kenya for five years, accompanying front-line HIV organizations to successfully demand more from global health initiatives like PEPFAR, as well as their own governments.
As Congress ramps up efforts to dismantle programs that will devastate millions in this country, Paul will share his incredible insights. Hope to see you there!

Learn more about Paul and BirdDog Nation here!