Marijuana Reform Mondays

Those of you who sign up to be a part of our weekly call team will receive a message each Monday with the names and contact numbers for three legislative offices. These offices hold the key to whether or not these measures advance further in 2020. That is why we need them to hear from you.

It’s that simple. Every week, we’ll send three phone numbers. All you need to do is to take a few minutes that day to call those offices, and let us know how it went.

We’ll make it really easy for you to feel comfortable engaging in these direct actions. NORML staffers will provide you with a short training and every week. We’ll provide you with the background and the talking points you need to sound informed and persuasive.

Each week, new volunteers will join the effort. They will be following up with these same offices and tweaking their conversations based upon the feedback we receive from you. And they’ll be amplifying and reinforcing your message.  

Like water over rock, we’ll wear these lawmakers down until they can no longer ignore us

It’s not going to be easy. But the right things and the easy things are seldom the same.

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