Co-Sign the Letter: Women in Low-Wage Work Must be Safe from Sexual Assault and Harassment

We’ve been inspired by the recent wave of women in Hollywood, the media, and politics courageously speaking out about sexual assault and harassment. As women who work on farms, in retail, in restaurants, in hospitals, and as janitors, nannies, caregivers, and housecleaners, we want to add our voices to the #MeToo movement and say, us too. We are low-wage workers, women of color, and immigrants--along with our supporters --who pledge to continue speaking up and organizing until we realize the potential of this moment.

Women need to be safe at work, including those of us who often work in the shadows of our economy. Women need to be able to speak out about harassment and assault, and be supported after we do so. Women need labor laws that protect us, and we need political power.

We are experiencing a deep moment of transformation on gender equality, with the potential to fundamentally change the power equation for women in our country. We are on the edge of catalyzing a breakthrough that benefits all women. Join us.


Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers Alliance and Caring Across Generations
Adriana Alvarez, Fight for $15/McDonald's worker
Andrea Dehlendorf, Organization United for Respect
Cynthia Murray, OUR Walmart
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work
Erica Clemmons, 9 to 5
Mary Kay Henry, SEIU
Michelle Miller, Coworker
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice and Caring Across Generations
Saru Jayaraman, ROC United