Pledge to Protect Our Home and Resist Trump

Pledge to take action with hundreds of young people this summer as we fight the corrupt hold the fossil fuel industry has over the Trump administration and corporate Democrats.

This August, U.S. Senators and Representatives will be holding town hall meetings and fancy fundraisers during their visits home from Washington. As constituents, we have the right to speak out -- so we’ll show up to their events across the country and demand that they stop taking money from the fossil fuel industry. If they refuse, we’ll greet them with a wave of resistance in the streets and at the ballot box in 2018.

These actions will be the first big splash in Sunrise’s 4-year plan to elect a people’s government, and pass our agenda to protect our health, home, and future. Add your name to pledge to take action in your district, and we'll follow up soon with how you can get plugged in.
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