Muncie DSA "Are Prisons Obsolete" Reading Group

Across the country, we’re seeing ideas about police and prisons evolve in response to the ongoing protests against extrajudicial killings and brutality by the police. Join us for a community-focused discussion of Angela Davis’s Are Prisons Obsolete?, where we will hold a talk about the book and what it might mean for our communities in Muncie.

You can order the book on Bookshop, but it is also widely available online. Anyone who has difficulty acquiring it is encouraged to contact us. This is an open forum, and there is no need to be affiliated with DSA to join! We will discuss one chapter at a time over the course of six weeks:

The first session for this series will be Sunday, July 19nd, at 7pm and will run till 9pm EST, using Zoom. We'll then meet every two weeks after that.

July 19: "Introduction

July 26: "Slavery, Civil Rights, and Abolitionist Perspectives Toward Prison"

August 2: "Imprisonment and Reform"

August 9: "How Gender Structures the Prison System"

August 19: "The Prison Industrial Complex"

August 26: "Abolitionist Alternatives"

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