Municipal Officials: Review Our Contract With Penn Waste

Scott Wagner’s trash company Penn Waste has a long track record of predatory business practices that hurt working families.
Penn Waste has filed lawsuits against nearly 7,000 Pennsylvanians, totaling 10,000 plus lawsuits. Pennsylvania families have been sued by Penn Waste for something as common as a single late payment. Penn Waste has even sent sheriffs to customers’ homes to inventory their belongings and seize personal property for one late bill. Now Penn Waste is asking municipal officials to raise rates on their customers.
Our tax dollars should not support these abusive business practices. Contact your municipal officials today and ask them to review their contract with Penn Waste.
Fill out the form to the right and the following email will be sent to municipal officials in your township or borough on your behalf:
To [XXXX Township or Borough] Officials,
I’m contacting you today because of my concern about our [township or borough’s] contract with Penn Waste. Recently, some of Penn Waste’s abusive business practices towards consumers have received public scrutiny.
According to state records, Penn Waste has sued nearly 7,000 of its own customers totaling over 10,000 lawsuits – sometimes for something as small as one missed payment. Are you aware of the legal risk you may be bringing upon our neighbors by contracting with Penn Waste?
It has also been reported that Penn Waste has even sent sheriffs to customer’s homes to inventory personal belongings over a disputed $160 trash bill. Does our township support this practice?
Penn Waste is currently asking townships to raise rates on their consumers. That’s not the kind of business that deserves taxpayer dollars.
I am asking that you review our contract with Penn Waste and answer the questions I’ve raised about their abusive business practices.