Time for Government to listen to the profession - a national contract for all educators

During coronavirus, the education profession has worked closely with students, families and our communities to provide the best education we can.

Government has failed to listen to the profession, despite attempts through our unions to work together to protect educators, families and communities. This failure to engage has resulted in several big u-turns and uncertainty for everyone.

In light of this ongoing failure, now is the time for the profession to come together and demand a national contract for all education workers, negotiated with recognised trade unions to ensure we can deliver the best education for all today, tomorrow and in the future.

As education continues to be our priority during this difficult time, we are calling on government to constitute emergency national negotiations with all recognised trade unions in education, to deliver the best for our students and our communities and keep us all safe.

We the undersigned think government should negotiate and work with the profession now and in the future and sign this statement in recognition of this fact.

The Undersigned
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