National Weekend of Action - Are you in?

With a new Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, and as local elections loom across the country this May, the nation will be engaged in a national conversation about the state of our public services.

School funding is in crisis and it needs to be front and centre in the minds of the public and politicians. We need to create a noise so loud that no one can ignore what’s happening to children's education.

That's why unions, heads, teachers, support staff and parents are taking action. Will you join us on the National Weekend of Action on the 21st and 22nd of April?

Together we'll be doing everything from leafleting our school gates and organising stalls to dropping banners and holding community meetings to make sure everyone knows what's happening to schools.

With these actions big and small we can ignite a scandal about school cuts in every corner of the country.

Are you in? Let us know how you want to get involved.
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