Join the Climate Movie Club with Dr. Tom English, sponsored by NAZCCA

Our launch date will be  in January 2022. Volunteers are welcome to help in the planning, selection of films, and technical support.

You can sign up on the right with many choices.

You can chose to join only the film group and not receive any other information other than announcements and invites around what, when and where a film would be shown on zoom, moderated by Dr. Tom English.

If you want to receive the film information and more about climate issues in Northern Arizona, than chose that category with a yes.

If you want to receive film information and information from other climate sponsors as well, chose that category with a check.

We want to keep the flow to your emailbox to a minimum, and welcome your interest.

If you are a group and linked to Action Network, we will gladly cosponsor with you. This would include allowing viewers to chose whether to hear from your group or not.

Thank you