NJPIRG Internship & Volunteer Opportunities

NJPIRG has remote volunteer and internship opportunities tackling issues important to young people- including increasing voter turnout among students, making textbooks more affordable, and alleviating hunger and homelessness.

Our priority this fall is to turn out the #youthvote. Young people are the largest & most diverse group of potential voters in the country, with our own unique ideals and visions for the future. Despite being online in the fall, NJPIRG will be hosting virtual events on National Voter Registration Day, and on key deadlines leading up to Election Day on November 3rd.

Whether you have 10 hours a week or 10 hours the entire semester, there are tons of ways to get involved. Fill out this online interest form to join our team and learn more about remote internship & volunteer opportunities for the fall 2020 semester!