Nominate an Organizer to Share Their Story

Action Builder is a toolset made for and with organizers to facilitate the hard, often unrecognized, work of organizing. We're in awe of the work being done, day in and day out, by organizers like you, and we want to highlight just how much of our progressive movement, including labor, political, and community organizations, is interconnected and interdependent.

Right now we're working to gather the stories of progressive organizers across the United States and Canada. We share these stories in Field Notes, which is a roundup of content covering topics important to organizers and the progressive campaigns they lead.

It's important to know and document how folks enter movement work, lead winning campaigns, and sustain themselves moving forward.

We invite you to nominate an organizer who has a story you think we should know about. Once you nominate them, we will reach out to them about sharing their story in Field Notes!

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